28 Jun
The Tale Between Life & Death

One day Life and Death found themselves at a round table playing a hand of Uno. After finding himself on a losing streak against Life, Death approached Life saying let’s make things interesting…best of three gets to decide the lot of the next person.

Life being confident, shuffles the cards and starts dealing, and before viewing her seven cards replies with ‘You have yourself a deal.’

Round one.

Death started the round off by making it interesting and immediately flangs a pick-up of two cards. Life responded with a boost and plays a pick-up of two cards only to find Death responding with yet another pick-up of two cards which now leads Life to pick up six cards instead of only two cards.  Death in the lead with only five playing cards left, played a skip card, another skip card, and ended his moves with a pick-up four card. Life, already with a handful decides on picking up the four extra cards waiting on Death's next move. Death looked Life in the eyes and played a reverse card and shouted UNO before playing his last card – a pick-up four. 

Life lost the first round of twenty cards to zero.

Round Two. 

Death served the cards, the first move to be made by Life, only to find the top playing card being a reverse card – which made it Death's turn. Seeing it’s in his favor Death played a color-changing card, giving Life some hope…only to find the chosen color to be one Life does not have so Life picked up a card. With no hesitation Death immediately played a number card, giving Life a little bit of hope. Life followed with a number card, Death then played a number card but in another color, Life played a follow-up number card only to find Death playing a pick-up two. Life willingly picked up the two extra cards while Death made his next move of a reverse followed by a number card and a UNO! Life starring at Death, not knowing what will come after her next move. Throwing out a pick-up four glancing at Death, waiting for his response. Death picked up the four cards, leaving out a disappointing sigh. Life with a little more enthusiasm played a skip, another skip, and then a number card, which had them both now on five cards in hand.

Death, with a heavy hand, slammed a skip card on the table and then let out, ‘Don’t get your hopes up yet’ and picked up another card from the pile as he had no card to follow up on the skip. Still five cards each, Life decides on playing the color-changing card, hoping the round will end in her favor. Only to find Death jumping with a sneaky move and playing a reverse followed by a pick-up two-card. Life’s response was quick with a pick-up two and then pausing knowing if Death throughs out another pick-up two Life is game over.

With a slite pause, Death stares at Life…knowing they are each on three cards…his next move will determine the life of the next person. Staring at his cards, Death realizes he is losing the round to Life as he does not have a pick-up two to respond with. With the uncertainty of Life’s cards is getting the best of Death. With no future hesitation, Death decides on picking up the six cards. Giving Life a huge smile and sigh of relief. Life plays nice and throws out a number card, giving Death a chance to redeem himself. Death now with nine cards played a color changing, Life plays and cheerfully replies with a UNO. Knowing that there is nothing Death can do now to beat her at round two, Life stares at Death, smiling at him saying ‘What's next?… Death replies with a slamming of a skip, another skip, and a pick-up four card. Laughing out of her stomach Life throws down her pick-up four, shouting UNO! Giving Death a total of eight cards to pick up.

Death lost the second round with a total of thirteen cards to zero. 

Round Three.

Life’s turn to shuffle and serve the cards. Death scheming a way forward as this is the last round to play, the winner gets to decide on the next person's life!

Death stares at his seven cards, unhappy he accuses Life of cheating as he has no good cards to play with. Life laughing at Death saying maybe in this round we get to see who is in favor and who is not…

Death not happy with the reply takes one more stare and then plays a number card, waiting for Life's response…smiling Life throws down a number card but a different color. Death plays the color card, Life makes her move with another same color card, and Death decides on changing the color with a color change. Life responds with color. Sitting on a tie of four cards each, Death wishes he was able to do something for this round to be in his odds but it did not happen. Death plays his next number card hoping somewhere Life will not be able to play and picked up. Life smiles and plays her follow-up number card, Death plays again then Life responded with a color change number card, hoping Death is now stuck. Death looks at his cards as if he did not have the color, thought he had the number, and ended up seeing he is yet stuck as his number six card is not a nine card that was played by Life. Death grabbed a card from the pile and looked at Life, ‘This does not mean it is over yet’. Life still smiling looked at Death and freely played her number card and said UNO, Death crunched his teeth and slammed a card down hoping it was a game changer – a pick-up two card he just picked up, Life smiles, ‘Is that all you got?’ playing her pick-up two.

Death lost round 3.


Lesson – no matter how hard you get served, always stay focus and know, You are loved and in God's favor, You may have it difficult now and you might feel hopeless and useless now but one day You Will Be Victorious and YOU will see why you had to go through the things you are going through. It might not be your lesson to learn but to someone, it is a valuable lesson!

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