28 Apr
Amazon Scam South Africa

So many stay-at-home moms have a talent and can do something from home to generate an income – sadly I am clueless on DIY things and do not have talents – except if taking too much and getting along with people are a skill, then yeah, I have a skill other than that I am lost.

So I was a working person that was able to contribute to our family’s expenses daily and since Rubz was about 8 months I was retrenched and my role of a stay-at-home mom started. Before I fully accepted the role I did apply for jobs but was unsuccessful. However, I did do quite several things for our community from the comfort of our home.

Anyway so since we relocated and I no longer get to do community work I live on the internet looking for things to do or a way to generate an income from the comfort of my couch but I have not come across such a thing as yet.

It’s either you have to go on a course and then you still do not get work or you get coned! Sadly I have done both. I did a course where I was promised I will have a steady flow of sessions and so on but yet nothing…after 6 months and still doing and changing the layout and everything with their standards and needs I am still stuck with no income.

So I was so stupid I fell for this Amazon thing…Man, I cried my eyes out.

At first, they grabbed my attention when they gave me R58, and then when the deposit I made of R100 went to R850. All I saw was the possibility of helping my partner improve our lives.

The tasks went from small amounts to huge amounts and then I had to start making deposits into the account – being promised by the team leader that the outcome will be huge. After yet another deposit the amount went from R15k to R30k so yes at that stage my heart was skipping beats as I knew what I just did and the hope of getting these funds from my family was something huge for me.

Just know – I went to a contributor of our household to a no income! This was not a good space for me to be in! I hated depending on my partner for everything!

Anyhow so after completing the last task and wanting to withdraw I came across the last challenge and that was – the account went from active to frozen. I had hope of getting the funds BUT only if I made another deposit and at this stage, my partner’s entire salary went into this! Knowing he is going to flip I start to panic and try to think of a way forward but I failed!

I cried my eyes out that night and was unable to sleep knowing the money that was supposed to pay for all our things and buy food for the house – it’s all gone! There is nothing in my account. Desperately talking to the team leader I am pleading with her on a way forward and all she is going on about is making another deposit sadly I knew even if I made another deposit I will never see this cash! You know that feeling you get that something just is not meant for you – well yeah I got that feeling and then cried even more because I still sit with nothing and my partner will be freaking out if he gets home and I tell him what just happened!

As Murphy has it he calls me and heard in my voice something is wrong and the man I just started to cry when the words of; Lolla what's wrong’ came out of his mouth! I could not wait until he is home and just cried even more.

When he came home he was extremely calm, but it did not last long. From calm partner, he went to ignoring mode – the mode he calls his thinking mode! Which made me feel that this was the last thing I did for our family and accepting the worse of him as he did not say anything except the odd occasion asking did nothing bother you about this and the more I explain when and how I started to panic he just looks at me and gives me the cold shoulder. At this stage, my eyes were done crying. It was hurting so bad and my head – I can not explain as I was unable to tie my hair up or put a clip in but my hair was in my way! Everything just became so real and more that I felt like a huge failure and a problem to our families problem!

At this stage, all I was able to think about is my kids and food for them! My partner and I  - we will be fine but I have to make a plan for my kids. So they will be staying at families untill we are sorted.

The sad thing about all of this is – there are people out there that have no conscious and can do bad things to others without blinking!

I pleaded with the team leader on more the one occasion about my situation and it did not bother her at all as all she wanted was money!

I am not the only one that was scammed like this in April. On Google, I came across multiple people from SA that was scammed the same way and the same way I was and sadly the one guy was scammed for way more than I was.

At the end of the day, simple people like us, those truly trying our best, get dealt the bad hand every time, and man I hope that these people get caught and no more SA citizens get caught like the bad few that were fooled.

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