30 Sep
Blogging With The JvRs

Mom, Nina, Rubz, and Evi (Dad does not do "social media"...sigh) this is us.

Since we are all unique I wanted to introduce us individually, but was not sure if everyone else would find it so interesting so here we go!

I am Mom. I was an activist, the community that needed me to assist them got more out of me than my family but it was to keep my sanity.. Nina is a young little missy with a lot to say, she is always right and has the last word. Rubz is the little dude that just wants love and to have fun, but not with little Evi all the time, "I need my own space and fun time ma". Evi is the baby in the family, he wants to be in his mom's arms 24/7 if possible.

I love all three of my little rascals, but sometimes they are way too much for me. Each pregnancy had its own ups and downs and complications. With Nina, I came close to a miscarriage at 28 weeks, due to a severe bladder infection. Rubz was a MediClinic baby for the first 2 months as I constantly had to go for drips as everything I ate or drank made me sick. Evi...with Evi, I only found out I was expecting at 22w 5d as I was struggling with a stomach ulcer, and my focus was on everything else except on me, myself, and I.

So for the first time since Mom and Dad met, it is only the 5 of us. We always had other family around us, but now we are in a new town with new beginnings and struggles. We are learning about each other's shortcomings and how to deal with them. We are learning where to draw the line. What was once okay, we find out that it's not okay anymore. What we once thought was funny, we may or may not think of the same now, BUT we are learning who we are as a family, and I love every minute of it. I must say, yes, I do miss having family close, but this is a new type of fun!

Dad travels a lot, so the kids and I find ourselves having fun and messing around most of the time. But sometimes I find myself missing help with kids when things are too much but then I play loud music and dance it off or sing way off tune but guess what I feel better afterward.

I am a sensitive lady and most of the time I take things personally but, I am learning not to over-react and to be too sensitive to things as I need to be an example, we are a stay at home family and the 4 of us share our space with each other 24/7.

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