13 Apr
Mirror Mirror On The Wall...Who Is This Lady Staring Back At Me?

Looking into the mirror she was uncertain of the reflection staring her straight in the eye...nowhere to run, naked, no mask hiding her tearstained face, puffy and swollen eyes with grief. 

Alone, uncertain, and frightened she is standing in the bathroom finding herself sobbing away the disappointment of yet another unsuccessful gathering. 

She tried to speak, but she was choked with tears. Her last chance of being happy...is gone. If only she was able for once to say how she really felt...then maybe it would have worked out...then maybe they could have worked as a family and stayed together, she rather kept quiet and allowed them to speak and have the last say. 

She was startled with the reflection staring her straight in the eye...

She never asked for help but instead for an ear, never has she asked for intervention but only support and yet she was eaten alive. 

Choking on the disappointment she is, she is trying to figure out what to do next. She never really had any support, or guidance on how to find herself, how to build herself up after something dreadful, yet she finds herself in this situation again. 

Years ago she ran away. She never opened up about the matter. But like always there were stories. Some said she run because she did not want to give in, some even without knowing her said she was a troubled child that partied and slept around, but yet no one bothered to really find out why she run away, but they all had their own, meaningless thoughts about the matter. 

Now knowing what happened, now they are choking! 

She failed herself years ago by not facing what happened. For not standing up, for speaking out! Yet today she finds herself fighting for those going through similar things. Those ladies out there are being abused by their partners and are too afraid to open up or do something. She does not expect them to move out of that lifestyle or do something drastic, no she listens to them, she only gives advice when it's asked, and the rest of the time she is just there, being 'that person' for others, that what she wanted all these years. 

You can go to hell and back, and still find yourself fighting for something meaningless. Trying to figure it out, but, at the end of the day...you are looking in the mirror at yourself. 

Your reflection, those unspoken words...only you have to deal with them!

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